Tuesday, 9 October 2012

In Exactly 12 Months........

.................. I will be grabbing some sleep as at Midnight I'm going to be woken up so that I can see the sunrise tomorrow at the summit of Kilimanjaro. Really. Pretty sure that it doesn't sound THAT big a deal if you don't know me. After all, Chris Moyles and Cheryl Cole did it and survived didn't they ? 

Here's the thing. I'm 42, have RUBBISH joints, and there's a few things I'm scared of.

1) Flying
2) Heights
4) Camping
5)Being Cold
6) Exercise

OK, well I dislike the last 3 rather than am actually scared of, but you get the general gist.

I'm also totally phobic about vomit and that's highly likely up there too as a result of altitude sickness.

So, why am I doing it ? To be honest I think I had a moment of madness when I hit 40 as I developed a sudden urge to have a bucket list. And I nearly lost my daughter to Meningitis and the Meningitis Research Foundation were instrumental in saving her life as well as saving my sanity.  Daughter is 6 and absolutely fine now, but through the charity I have met many other people whos' story ends very differently. Not only in death, but brain injury and limb loss. That's a life sentence. I'm only going to put myself through 12 days of hell. Doesn't really compare does it ?

And as many people don't really know much about Meningitis here's your first fact.

Age, gender or race are not defining factors as to if you are at risk or not. Any one of you could get it at any time and it's FAR more common than you think. 

So, please follow my blog - it may be sporadic but it will be updated. Please also share it. And please go to my page at  http://www.justgiving.com/nickymcclure and make your mark- it could be your life you save !